A poem about
Author: Lady Russell, grandmother of
Bertrand Russell, from The Autobiography
of Bertrand Russell, 1872-1914, p.45.
O Science metaphysical,
And very very quizzical,
You only make this maze of life
the mazier;
For boasting to illuminate
Such riddles dark as Will and Fate
You muddle them to hazier and
The cause of every action,
You expound with satisfaction;
Through the mind in all its
corners and recesses
You say that you have travelled,
And all problems unravelled
And axioms you call your
learned guesses.
Right and wrong you’ve so dissected,
And their fragments so connected,
That which we follow doesn’t
seem to matter;
But the cobwebs you have wrought
And the silly flies they have caught,
It needs no broom miraculous to
You know no more than I,
What is laughter, tear, or sigh,
Or love, or hate, or anger, or
Metaphysics, then, adieu,
Without you I can do,
And I think you’ll very soon be
out of fashion.